Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Another trip for Katharine and I stay here...

Here is what she said:

I can't wait to start the cooking at the Margaree. Did I tell you some of the menu? Scallops the first night, filet of beef with stilton the next, rack of lamb the next, and god knows what after that. Lunches will be foie gras with poached pears; caviar with cheeses; Jamie's mushroom soup...then leftovers. I hope I can get all the stuff in my little CRV...along with Molly and the boys. YUMMM!!

Dessert: Pepper Strawberries

Black Pepper - fresh ground - lots
Gran Marnier
1/2 or heavy cream

Let Strawberries be at room temp.
Slice in half and put in glass bowl or non-metal container
Sprinkle a teaspoon (per box) or so and mix lightly to encourage the juices flowing.

Take coursely ground pepper and sprinkle liberally. When you think you have too much, add more. (No Kidding) Do not mash - mix easily.

Place in fridge for at least 20 minutes, they can stay there all day if it is something you want to prepare early in the day.

Take out of fridge and spoon mixture into individual dishes and add Gran Marnier, brandy or Sambuca over top to your taste. Any of these work and if you like something else try it!

Then drizzle 1/2 and 1/2 or heavy cream over top.

Easy decadence!